Advanced build process

If you just want to install Rolens, please refer to the installation document. You can read this guide to get a detailed overview of the build procedure.


Rolens is written in Go, so you should download the Go compiler from the download page. The minimum version required is 1.20. You can confirm whether it’s installed correctly by running go version and checking that it outputs something similar to go1.20.4 or higher.

Furthermore, you need to have Wails ^3.1 installed: go install Wails may have platform-specific dependencies; you can consult wails doctor to find out what dependencies Wails needs and how to install them.

In order to compile the frontend, Node.js ^16.0 and the npm package manager ^8.0 (included in Node.js) are required. To confirm the installed versions of those tools, execute node -v and npm -v.

Download source

To obtain a copy of the source code, do either of the following:


cd into the root directory of the source code and run either:

The generated binary will live in build/bin. You may want to run the installer (Windows) or move the app to the Applications folder (Mac).

If Wails complains that there are too many open files, you can try to increase the maximum number of open files using ulimit -f 1024 (or whichever value) on *nix systems.